
Blog Post#11

To become Mr. Olympia in bodybuilding takes lots of hard work and dedication to the gym. This guys spends countless of hours in the gym. The question are if you could become an Mr. Olympia without taking steroids. Non one can become Mr. Olympia without taking steroids. It's the harsh truth to the sport. Some people don't consider it a sport but it's harder then any other sport. Also, if so how much steroids should you take. The more you take the more side effect and the bigger you would look but if you abuse it you will die as well. If you ignore the side effect and the stuff your body is telling you then you will end up die. How many types of steroids are out there. There lots of steroids out there and most pro stacks them up to get the most out of the steroids but at the same time. Everyone body reacts different from each person. Like buy body might burn fat off easier then yours. Also, my body might react bad different from tren. The sport is be healthy and improve your...

Blog post#10

1.  Bodybuilding 2. Bodybuilding MR. Olimpia 3. Can you you become MR. Olympia without steroids 4.a. How much steroid should I take? 4.b. The more steroids and type of steroid you take effect the way you look. 5.a.  Mr. Olympia like Phil heath talks about taking steroids and other past mr. Olympia    b.I can found this information on and    c. You can do bodybuilding natural without steroids. 6. Post the completed form in the D2l drop box by the due date.

Blog Post#9

The article claims GA future is a great way to get into college and it helps lots of students. It also claims it will help future students in the future. I disagree with this because most kids don't even use Georgia future. After high school no one ever used it. Georgia future are not use by most high school students. Most kids lost they're password and can't log back in. The teacher don't even care if you have a GA future account. They only tell you one time to create an account and they never mention it ever again. Through out the high school Years your GPA changes a lot. It goes up and down and the college you apply for and thought about it goes to trash. Especially if during 12th grade your GPA goes to trash and jumps all over the place. Everyone just applies for random college just to get accepted. In conclusion, GA future in not use for most high School student.  GPA changes a lot throughout high school, and your college plans changes a lot. Plus everyone af...

Fact 8: Music

In the youtube video "Stand by me" it expresses what people feels and it can effect the way you can feel. That's if it's either sad or happy. Depends on how you view the video and take the lyrics as in your personal life. The music created an emotional feeling to the audience. That audience apply to they're life and they all felt emotion that they need someone to stand by them. Either by someone they love or just a friend. The matter of the fact is that this song brings everyone together and becomes happy. The lyrics is very emotional and it gives universal message. Music is therapy and makes us produce diphone. The diphone is what makes us feel good. The song was written and everyone was singing the same lyrics. In the article "What are the Benefits of Music Therapy" It states that " Listening to happy vs. sad music can affect the way you perceive  the world around you" ( what are the Benefits of Music Therapy, page 3)    In...

Fact #7: Health and bones

7 Ways Kid Bones are Different From Adult Bones  the article "7 ways kid bones are Different From Adult Bones" is a website and there are so much ads in every corner. "Does The Human Body Really Replace Itself Every 7 Years?".   The written communication for the article "7 ways kid bones are Different From adults bones". is that it gives lots of example of why children bones are better that an adult bone. Oral communication is the fun fact about the information of bones. verbal communication is the Arthur that wrote the story. The non verbal communication is the picture in the website.  In the youtube video "Does The Human Body Really Replace Itself every 7 years". The written communication would be the description under the video while is playing. The best thing of the video are the oral communication because the female is explaining how the human body replace it bon for certain time. The verbal communication is that the video states differe...

Fact 6: Valentine's Day

Have you evert wonder how valentines started off.  Is way different compare to what we know now in days. It started of hitting females for the fun of it. Young chicks got in line to get hit then they draw there name in a jar and hooked young ladies up with random males for the night, and have sex with them. It gives a chance to meet your future wife if your lucky enough. "The Dark Origins Of  Valentine's Day" by Arnie  is more convincing the background of valentines compare to the other article "The Real History of  Valentine's Day" by Patrick Allan's. Due to the fact that this was  start is ancient Rome. Which makes sense where guys are over women.  The fact that males hit women during this time period is  completely okay with everyone. Hitting women wasn't seen a bad thing so it wouldn't be such a big deal for guys to hit women. According to the "The Dark Origins Of Valentine's Day" by Arnie Seipel which s...

Blog Post 5 Sport Wrestling was the world's first sport.

Wrestling is the oldest sport in history. It wasn't just the oldest sport to be ever recored in the Olympic Games in 776 B.C. It also became extremely popular. Even though they found the drawing for running and wrestling in the same age period. Wrestling wins because it was the first sport to be recored in the Olympic. I myself wrestle in high school and it was popular sport and there are scholarship. The rules are different from today compare to the age B.C. This can tell you that if it's still a popular sport in high school in modern day. wrestling is the oldest sport in history due to the fact that it was first recored Olympic. The article "History of Wrestling" it quotes that, "Wrestling has roots in nearly every culture and had a solid foundation in ancient Greece long before the first recorded Olympic Games in 776 B.C. Greek wrestling was an extremely popular form of competition. " (History of Wrestling 1) It was in the olympic in 776 B.C which m...