Blog Post#11

To become Mr. Olympia in bodybuilding takes lots of hard work and dedication to the gym. This guys spends countless of hours in the gym. The question are if you could become an Mr. Olympia without taking steroids. Non one can become Mr. Olympia without taking steroids. It's the harsh truth to the sport. Some people don't consider it a sport but it's harder then any other sport. Also, if so how much steroids should you take. The more you take the more side effect and the bigger you would look but if you abuse it you will die as well. If you ignore the side effect and the stuff your body is telling you then you will end up die. How many types of steroids are out there. There lots of steroids out there and most pro stacks them up to get the most out of the steroids but at the same time. Everyone body reacts different from each person. Like buy body might burn fat off easier then yours. Also, my body might react bad different from tren. The sport is be healthy and improve your body to what you like. The sport is no where near healthy. It kills young teens that abuse the drug and take it too the extrem and sometimes doesn't look no where near good. For this drugs to work you would have to put in lots of work. It's not something you inject and you will look like huge and have crazy abs. You would have to put hard work at the back end. 

The question that everyone has in there mind is if you could become Mr. Olympia without taking steroids and to dominate the Olympia stage. The truth to that question no one can become Mr. Olympia without taking any types of steroids. Even the most gifted genetic guy in the world can't become Mr. Olympia without taking steroids. Most guys try to become the best of the best but they can't get no where near the other guys. Taking the right steroids makes you bigger and your body might react different then the other guy. 

Now that you know you have to take steroids to become Mr. Olympia and compete with the best guys in the world. Types of steroids you take makes you look differently. Some steroids are more for cutting fat than building muscle but all of them can build muscle. For example, tren are more for cutting fat and less of building muscle. Test is the base of all steroids. You must take test as you base no matter what other types of steroids you take. Everyone body react different from each one of the drug. Some people react better with lower dosage then others. While others react better with higher dosage. You can take a high dosage without abusing it. Most younger guys dies young due to the abuse of the drug. They think taking more is better and would get them bigger faster but what they don't know is there abusing the drug at a extrem ;  which cause there heart and liver and other organs to fail. Which leds to there death.

What everyone thing is this sport is healthy but the honest truth is that a fat guy would be more healthy then those ripped guys on steroids. Steroids would give you muscle and shredded look but at the same time your liver will be crying for all the damage they take. Your heart will be enlarging and you blood pressure would be through the roof. Most bodybuilding dies at the age 45 Years old. Which makes this sport not heathy at all.

In conclusion, you would have to take steroids to become Mr. Olympia and win shows. You would have to take high dosage of steroids to look good on stage and your hurting your liver and heart throughout the process. You can't win without taking steroids and working out hardcore. You can't just add muscle by just taking this drug and expect to look like Mr. Olympia.


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