7 Ways Kid Bones are Different From Adult Bones

the article "7 ways kid bones are Different From Adult Bones" is a website and there are so much ads in every corner. "Does The Human Body Really Replace Itself Every 7 Years?". The written communication for the article "7 ways kid bones are Different From adults bones". is that it gives lots of example of why children bones are better that an adult bone. Oral communication is the fun fact about the information of bones. verbal communication is the Arthur that wrote the story. The non verbal communication is the picture in the website. In the youtube video "Does The Human Body Really Replace Itself every 7 years". The written communication would be the description under the video while is playing. The best thing of the video are the oral communication because the female is explaining how the human body replace it bon for certain time. The verbal communication is that the video states differently compare to the article. The article states that your bones changes a whole lot sooner and the video says that your bones hard change if not all.
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