Blog Post #2 - Political Fact

In 1862 Andrew Johnson was the first president to be impeached
 in USA history. Even the most loyal person as USA president can't be trusted at all. Let start of 1862 Andrew Johnson and a senator remained loyal to the union. which led too in 1864 as Vice President. In April 1865 Lincoln got assassinated. let's get started and get stright in to the fact.. Andrew Johnson was elected as vice president by Lincoln. He got elected as a Vice President because he stay loyal to the union. Which was a sign of him staying loyal and can be trusted. April 1864 Lincoln was assassianted and Andrew Johnson becoming the president of the united state. He wanted to reconstruction to approval new, local south; able legislated "black codes". This is where Lincoln thought wrong because just because he stay loyal to the union before doesn't mean he is loyal. You can't trust anyone even if it's the president of the united state. Andrew Johnson really wanted to build south government back up. Which was the north enemy. Even republican dominated congress great opposed Andrew Johnson but even if it was against congress. He did it either way and didn't care. In conclusion, don't trust someone who you may think is loyal to you. At the end they will just go against what you believe or want. Don't trust anyone including the united state of America.


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